When you start dating someone new, everything seems great in the world and you feel like nothing could go wrong. The early honeymoon phase excels at making you feel as though your relationship is perfect, as it takes time to realize the truth. Once those rose-colored glasses have shattered, you’re left with the real person. Two things can happen. One, you love the person you are with and now your relationship is in a more authentic phase. Two, you notice red flags that make you realize that this person may not be who you want to end up with. When someone is with the wrong person, love eludes him, they are far from being happy, and the future looks bleak. According to our international matchmakers, there are some signs men should look out for to figure out if they are in love with the wrong woman. With over 26 years in the professional matchmaking industry, Elite Connections International has seen it all. The following are tell-tale signs that you may be dating the wrong woman from an elite matchmaking agency.
1.    You are not yourself around her... If you are always so conscious of your words, activities, attitudes and character whenever you are together, then it means you are not entirely comfortable with her. You may not act loosely whenever she’s around you, possibly because you don’t want her to see that side of you. Maybe you are scared of how she will react to the “real” you, such as angry or disapproving. You should not have to hide a side of yourself with the person you are with because it is not sustainable. At the beginning, you may shield some aspects of yourself until you get to know the person and feel comfortable with them. That’s normal, but what’s not normal is hiding a part of yourself forever! She is not the type you will want to spend the rest of your life with if you’re acting like a different person.
2.      She plays games... If someone is still playing games in their relationships, they  do not respect mature relationships. For example, if a girl is playing “hard to get” she may be waiting for her current relationship to end before considering you or she may not want to invest all of herself in just you yet. Whatever the case may be, you should not play second fiddle to another guy or do drastic things to impress her. If she does not choose to be with you and only you, then you should not waste your time pursuing her.
3.    You always need to impress her... If you are deep into your relationship and you still feel the need to constantly surprise and impress your significant other for fear of losing them, then you may not be in a healthy/stable relationship. If you truly believe she is only with you for your gifts of affection, then you need to rethink the relationship or have the money and energy to cater to that for the rest of your life. A loving, meaningful relationship should not be about what gifts, trips, or experiences you can offer, but instead how you make each other feel. Try changing your ways and see if she stays or leaves. The outcome will tell you a lot about your relationship.
4.      She controls your life… If she decides what happens or doesn’t happen in your relationship, then you are not in a partnership. Does she choose what you wear, what you eat, who you go out with, what time you return, the type of work you do, etc? This means she wants to be the boss who is in control and it will negatively affect your relationship in the long run as it will be difficult for you to make decisions for yourself.
5.      She is always ready to critique… Obviously not everyone will see eye to eye on everything, people have different opinions. However, if she never tries to see your point of view or at least respects it, then she may not care that much about you or your feelings. She may think your choices are inferior or substandard or that your taste is subpar. Constant negative feedback can make you feel horrible. You should walk away from this type of woman, unless you think you can change her mind. 
6.      She is a big flirt… If she sees nothing wrong with flirting or messing around, either in your presence or behind your back, then she is obviously not invested in you and your relationship. She makes sure you know that she has her own life and she wants to live it to the fullest. Which does not include you tying her down. You may think that you can tame her, but you do not want to force someone into a relationship. This could lead to betrayal in the future. Be wise about who you pursue!
7.      She shows no affection... Love is all about affection, romance, positive attitude, etc and you feel safe when you are with the one who makes your heart beat faster. When your lover doesn’t show you any type of affection, then you’re not feeling “love” to the most of its ability. It’s one thing to not want to partake in PDA (Public Displays of Affection), but if she doesn’t want to cuddle or be affectionate behind closed doors, then something is off. You should talk to her about it first, to see if it’s something you two can work out.
8.      She wants to be the only one... When you first start a relationship, you may be so wrapped up in this new love that you forget about everyone else. However, after the whirlwind, the two of you will come back to your senses. If she is still trying to keep you to herself, especially away from family or friends, then that is a huge red flag. Do not be manipulated by the excuses she gives. Someone who truly loves you will not want to take away your other loved ones, but instead will want to be a part of your entire life. 

Contact our international matchmakers at Elite Connections International for a free virtual consultation about professional matchmaking 
800-923-4200 | info@eliteconnections.com


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