Best Dating Advice For Women by A Professional Matchmaker

Dating can be a tricky game, especially if you haven’t dated in a while.  The modern world is so different than what people are used to when it comes to dating.  There are so many dating websites to choose from.  Here at Elite Connections, we look at dating differently.  Here are some tips on dating from a man’s perspective to help you in this complex dating world. 

Remember to Be Yourself
I am sure you have heard this before but it so important to keep in mind.  You should always strive to be the best version of yourself and want to show off who you really are.  After all, confidence always makes a person more attractive.  It can be tempting to tell little white lies to please the other person, but this will only create more problems for the both of you in the future.  Matchmakers in the know understand men will like you for who you are, not something you are not.  They want to get to know to real, genuine you.  So go out there and shine!

Keep an Open Mind
The world would be a better place if we all accepted each other for who we are.  The dating world is the same.  People are attracted to other people that show mutual respect.  Who knows, if you keep an open mind you might meet someone that changes your own views.  You should always be an active listener and ask questions about what he is talking about.  You would probably expect the same from him.  This kind of conversating will help you decide more efficiently if you are right for each other.   

Plan an Ice Breaker
You know that going on a first date can have its awkward moments.  This is why you should come prepared with questions to ask that can break the ice.  I think asking a person what type of music they like most and why is important because it can reveal a lot about their personality or their background. 

Don’t Play Games
The problem that people run into the most when it comes to dating is being straightforward.  Both men and women participate in playing games, but it is best to avoid it.  Be honest about your intentions and make sure he knows what you are looking for and vice versa.  If you are interested in a person, show them!  Don’t waste time by pretending you aren’t interested.  This makes dating much more complicated and stressful than it has to be. 

Try to Relax And Have Fun
Being nervous can be cute in some cases, but most of the time it makes you look insecure or unstable.  Just let go of your worries and be yourself. There is nothing to lose, only to gain.  Displaying your relaxed self shows that you are confident and have faith in yourself.  This can be very sexy and appealing to a man.

Don’t Rush the Relationship
Once you meet someone you really like, it can be tempting to push them to meet your friends and family.  You shouldn’t rush this part.  Wait until the time is right and you are comfortable with each other, then you can start to introduce him to all the important people in your life.  Rushing this big step can intimidate a guy and might turn them away from you.  So wait until you feel it's good timing and you both are ready.

Contact a professional matchmaker at Elite Connections and meet with a matchmaker in your area.  800-923-4200


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