Professional Matchmaker Discussed Setting Boundaries Early in a Relationship

Relationships can be tricky, any new relationship you jump into is full of challenges, some you might have face din the past and some that might present to you completely new. Getting to know someone is never easy and it can be tricky and come along with bumps on the road. Unexpected situations can occur and suddenly drastically change and burst your new romance into pieces, it’s possible, just be prepared and always on the lookout. 

Aside from all these drastic situations that can happen, it’s a journey to learn and meet someone completely new, it’s fun and interesting but nothing is ever perfect so just come in with an open mind and be prepared for change. Be aware of signals and intuitions that might be yelling out to turn way from the relationship and not take things any further. There’s always that feeling that we get from our clients here at Elite Connections, where they share with us their feelings on how sometimes looking back at their past relationships, they wonder how they did not see the terrible things that happened in their relationships coming. Professional matchmakers say that there are signs and certain situations in which you can call out a red flag when involved in a relationship and feeling doubtful. Here are some tips that might come of good use for the next relationship predicament you don’t want to be under.

Every single person has their own quirks and opinions and point of view on life, remember we weren’t all brought up the same and certainly not perfect. Every little bump should not meet you running out the door and calling things off. One major red flag to watch out for is the feeling of finding yourself compromised and feeling uncomfortable in a situation that gives you bad intuitions and vibes. 

Disagreements come and go in a relationship, this is part of the commitment, perfect happy ending with no arguments does not exist. On the other hand, it’s unhealthy to never let out any opinions you might have because of the scare of disappointment it might bring.  All couples have disagreements, it’s only normal to have these. It is the way you handle disagreements that can really make or break your relationship. Don’t turn down or shut down your partners opinion and walk way. In a good standing healthy relationship, couples can and will walk out the issues carefully and listen to one another and express his or her opinions on the situations. In a good relationship, there’s some sort of settlement that takes place when these situations take action. 

Someone who is constantly testing your boundaries is not someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Insisting and always attempting to somehow get the other side of you is a major red flag. This only shows that the other person is somehow looking to bring you in a moment of anger and disagreement. 

Bringing me onto the unwillingness to make time for your relationship and cultivation process. People who have certain limitations on how often they are able to put time and effort into the relationship are certainly not worth your time prioritizing them. Our professional matchmakers have consulted with physiotherapist that people who come on board onto a relationship with rules and regulations on how often they can see each other are definitely not open and flexible to make time to create a successful relationship. At Elite Connections we are able to scout this early on with our clients and determine if either parties interest are the right intentions for one another. 

When your significant other is upset for any reason or situation that might have passed, in any way should they be allowed to be name calling you disrespectful names towards you. It’s okay to be angry but you also have to make sure you are respected and stand your ground. Name calling is a huge red flag in any relationship, shows a side that you do not want to be associated with ever. 

Neither one of the parties in the relationship should be staying too close to any past relationship or love affair they have come in contact with in their past. Some people do stay friends with their exes and it’s successful but if you are NOT okay with it then you need to explain and let the other person know you are not comfortable with the satiation and it should be left alone. 

Now on to my last point and major red flag to be aware of, ignoring. Yes, technology nowadays is a major distraction, but it should not be a distraction from your significant other. Catching up on news feed and the latest gossip is not a reason to put aside your actual relationship and onto your social life via phones and computers. Work emails are a different story but even to that there’s certain limitations that should be kept. Making sure you are always feeling a priority is a major point, once you get the feeling of loneliness and avoidance towards you, you run and get out of the relationship immediately before it’s too late. Bottom line make sure you always feel prioritized within the relationship. 

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